Spring Blog - March / April - COVID19, Open for Business

Well… where do I start… I hope you’re doing well, staying healthy, and working. Tough and challenging times are upon us all like none of us have ever seen. I count myself fortunate to be in a situation where I am still able to work, maybe not in the same capacity but still am connected to my daily routine (as different as it may be). Working from home has its challenges but some blessings too. I love having my wife and kids walk over to chat throughout the day. I hope you are all adjusting too and I hope life and work can get back to normal soon.

At the store business is as usual, we are open for parts and service and I’m taking appointments but getting most done through email, text or on the phone. Our shop is doing everything we can to support the transportation industry and your business. We have safety measures in place to keep our customers and staff protected.

As far as trucks are concerned we are well stocked on 2019 - 2021 new units and have various deals on all of the above. Working with our finance companies we also have some attractive offers available including 90 days no payments on new finance deals (OAC). Take a minute to browse our web site or give me a call anytime on my cell 204-293-9180 if you need anything. I look forward to getting back to the normal routine and getting on the road to meet you for an in person visit.

Take care and have The World’s Best day!

- Andy

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